How to Build a Digital Marketing Plan

Tablet with the word “marketing plan” with other terms in a circle around the words next to a laptop, mouse, and a pen on a wooden surface.

When it comes to modern digital marketing, having a clear and concise plan is integral to the success of your business. Whether you are a small business or an enterprise-level company, it’s always important to establish your goals for your brand’s marketing. Digital marketing plans are the foundation of any successful business, campaign, or business development plan, and creating a detailed outline will give you the edge necessary to meet your short and long-term goals and stay relevant within your industry. Let’s discuss everything you need to know about building a professional, effective digital marketing plan. 

The Importance of a Digital Marketing Plan 

Marketing is a competitive industry, and innovative plans and solutions for your business are key to staying ahead of local competitors. A clear marketing plan gives you the chance to define your goals, outline who your target audience is, and create effective strategies for long-term growth. As you understand your goals and needs better, follow this step-by-step guide to make a thorough, well-developed marketing plan. 

Step 1: Define Your Marketing Goals

Creating clear, measurable goals is the foundation of any successful marketing plan. As you define your goals, you will want to use the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) framework to guide your plan. While many companies have specific goals for their unique needs, common goals include increasing web traffic, improving conversion rates, or growing their online presence on social media. No matter what your business needs, using this format is sure to set you up for success, helping you align your marketing goals with your overall business objectives. 

Step 2: Identifying Your Target Audience 

Once you’ve clearly defined your goals, you’ll want to understand your target audience in order to create relevant marketing strategies geared toward that specific demographic. In order to fully understand your target audience, you will want to create a buyer persona, which helps you better understand the demographic, online behavior, and purchasing habits of your audience. This gives a detailed and comprehensive look at who you are marketing to and the direction your marketing plan needs to take in order to be successful. Google Analytics, social media insights, and surveys are some of the many tools that you can use to enhance your marketing plan and identify your target audience. 

Step 3: Conduct a Competitive Analysis 

Next, you’ll want to conduct a competitive analysis, looking at digital strategies to put you ahead in your industry. Building a thorough digital marketing plan relies on understanding the goals, behaviors, and patterns of local competitors. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis gives you a great overhead view of competitors, giving you ideas to put yourself ahead and a clearer view of pitfalls to avoid in your own digital marketing plan. As you look at local competitors, it’s important to look at their online presence, content strategies, social media activities, and even their paid marketing efforts. It’s always a good idea to use tools like SEMrush, Aherfs, and BuzzSumo to help you get a better understanding of the competitive landscape. 

Word “strategy” spelled out on wooden blocks. 

Step 4: Develop a Content Strategy 

Your content is the foundation of your digital marketing efforts, whether it be blogging, social media, or email marketing. 

Types of Content

  • Blog Posts: By posting blogs on your website, you’ll establish authority within your industry, improve SEO rankings, and successfully engage your target audience. 
  • Videos: Videos offer a more engaging outlet for a larger audience. Tutorials, product demos, and explainer videos are a great form of content to attract users to your business.
  • Social Media Posts: Consistent social media posts are an excellent way to drive engagement and brand visibility. It’s always recommended to post content on influential social media platforms such as Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and Facebook. 
  • Infographics: Infographics are a simple, visual way to get across information to your consumer. These are easy to share across social media platforms to drive engagement. 

Step 5: Choose Your Digital Marketing Channels 

After a thorough competitive analysis, it’s time to decide which digital marketing channels best align with digital marketing plan goals and audience. These channels include: 

Content Marketing

Content marketing includes everything from blogs and videos to infographics. This type of marketing helps drive organic traffic to your business as well as engage your target audience. 

Social Media Marketing 

When it comes to social media marketing, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X help build your brand presence. This is an excellent way to interact with followers and find new potential customers. 

Email Marketing 

Email marketing is another way to find new leads and build customer loyalty. Effective email marketing offers a simple way to inform readers about your services and give them a better idea of your brand, promotions, and more. 

SEO (Search Engine Marketing) 

Optimizing your website content is key to your digital marketing success. Emphasizing SEO helps you improve your rankings online and attract organic traffic for your business. 

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

PPC advertising includes both Google Ads and social media. These forms of advertising help drive targeted traffic directly to your website, helping you gather new leads effectively. 

Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing gives your business the chance to collaborate with social media influencers to promote your products or services. This type of marketing helps you connect with audiences based on their authority, knowledge, and relationship with their active followers. 

Step 6: Allocate Budget and Resources for Your Digital Marketing Plan 

Setting a realistic budget for your digital marketing plan is an important step to set yourself and your business up for success. Regardless of size and budget, knowing how and when to allocate money towards your marketing is half the battle in your marketing efforts. 

How to Allocate Your Budget 

  • Paid Advertising: Setting aside a portion of your budget for paid advertising on platforms like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn gives you an advantage over local competitors. While ads are effective, you will want to take into consideration CPC (cost-per-click) and the importance of optimizing your spending on ads. 
  • Content Creation: Whether you create your content in-house or outsource your content creation, setting aside money for this aspect of your marketing plans ensures your short and long-term success. 
  • Tools and Software:  Having the latest tools and software at your disposal sets you up for success in marketing to your target audience. Tools and software like SEMrush, Google Ads, social media scheduling platforms, and email marketing software are great ways to spend your allocated resources. 

As you use your resources to purchase software and services for your business, make sure to prioritize channels based on your company’s budget. 

Laptop with data on the screen with a potted plant and folders in the background. 

Measure and Adjust Your Marketing

As your final step in creating your marketing plan, make sure you are continually tracking performance for your company’s marketing, using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). During the tracking process, you will want to use these key metrics: 

Website Traffic 

Regularly checking your website traffic is key to making the most of your marketing plan. Key components of website traffic data include organic search, paid ads, social media, and referrals. 

Conversion Rate

As you implement your strategy, make a note of how many of your leads or sales are a direct result of your marketing. 


When it comes to your marketing budget, calculating the ROI of campaigns is important to see how much it costs to generate each of your leads. 

Engagement Metrics 

As you track your engagement metrics, look at likes, shares, comments, and time spent on your site or social media platforms to find which forms of content resonate most with your target audience. 

Bounce Rate 

In order to readjust your marketing plan to reach the most customers or users, check your bounce rate to see how many people leave your site after viewing just one page. 

No marketing plan is perfect, and allowing room for adjustment can make all the difference in your long-term success. An effective digital marketing plan is flexible, and if any aspect of your plan does not yield lucrative results, it’s time to assess where you can improve and what competitors are doing to reach their audiences. This can be as simple as targeting different keywords or as complex as reassessing and redeveloping your content strategy altogether. 

Establishing a Successful Digital Marketing Plan for Your Business 

Creating a marketing plan is no easy task, but staying proactive with proper strategy, budgeting, and tools ensures its success. With these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the complexities of digital marketing and jumpstart your business growth. Stay patient and persistent as you develop your plan, as measurable results take time. 
To learn more about professional digital marketing services, visit our BrandRep blog.

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